The Upper Newport Bay Nature Reserve is a beautiful park in the middle of Newport Beach, one of the wealthiest areas in Southern California. Newport Beach only allows 12 runs or bike races per year, so the supply of sponsorship opportunities is low. Grab one while you can!

As a sponsor, your brand will be exposed to several hundred runners at the event. Additionally, your brand will also be on the many social media posts resulting from the run. Your company logo will be printed on the event shirts, and these are not your cheap-o race shirts that you condemn to the depths of your closet, never to be worn again. These will be part of their everyday wardrobe.

The participants in the race will be largely from the local colleges. In fact, this race is only about a 5 minute drive from University of California: Irvine's campus. This younger group will also be accompanied by the adult, fit-life-style demographic.

Below we have the different sponsorship levels with their corresponding prices and features.

The diamond level sponsorship includes:

  1. The right to the name of the event. For example, if your company was McDonald's, the name would be "McDonald's 5K race to End Sex Abuse."
  2. The largest and most prominent logo on back of the shirts.
  3. Exposure to hundreds of racers and their families.
  4. Exposure on the hundreds of social media posts that will surround the event.
  5. The right to have marketing materials present. These can include keychains, water bottles, etc.
  6. As a diamond-level sponsor, you may bring a backdrop with your logo/name along with the End Sex Abuse logo. This backdrop will be located behind the stage during the awards ceremony, and it will be used for participant photographs during the event. Most of these photos will wind up on social media, so it will be great brand exposure.
  7. Brand exposure on the event fliers, online advertising, the End Sex Abuse website, and other advertising methods.
  8. Other benefits as agreed upon with an End Sex Abuse representative.

The gold level sponsorship includes:

  1. A large and prominent logo on back of the shirts.
  2. Exposure to hundreds of racers and their families.
  3. Exposure on the hundreds of social media posts that will surround the event.
  4. Brand exposure on the event fliers, online advertising, the End Sex Abuse website, and other advertising methods.
  5. The right to have marketing materials present. These can include keychains, water bottles, etc.

The silver level sponsorship includes:

  1. Exposure to hundreds of racers and their families.
  2. Exposure on the hundreds of social media posts that will surround the event.
  3. Brand exposure on the event fliers, online advertising, the End Sex Abuse website, and other advertising methods.

The bronze level sponsorship includes:

  1. Exposure to hundreds of racers and their families.
  2. Exposure on the hundreds of social media posts that will surround the event.
  3. Brand exposure on the event fliers, online advertising, the End Sex Abuse website, and other advertising methods.