A married couple sexually abused, beat and even forced the 9-year-old girl to drink her own vomit, with abuse lasting for four years
A married couple of Waterville, Maine are facing one count each of gross sexual assault of a child in a complaint filed by Waterville Police. Jennifer L. Stevens, 35, and Michael A. Stevens, 36, were arrested February 1st and are currently sitting in jail at $250,000 cash bail.
The Victim, now 16, reported the abuse to a case worker from the State’s Child Protective Services. According to reports the victim was sexually abused by both Jennifer and Michael Stevens repeatedly over a 4 year period (Oct 24th, 2010-Oct 25th 2014) which they called “bonding”. The sexual abuse started when the victim was 9 years old ending only when she entered a homeless shelter 4 years later
The victim reported that the sexual abuse happened at all times of the day and night, and was so severe it would often cause her to vomit. Michael Stevens would then force her to swallow her own vomit. Jennifer and Michael Stevens used tactics of threat and manipulation, and spiritual abuse to persuade the victim to not report the abuse.
Michael often threatened to kill himself and told the victim that if she reported them her guardian Angels would leave her and she would then be possessed by demons and go to hell. The perpetrators would also force the victim to watch movies about exorcism. If the victim ever objected to partaking in the sexual abuse they would tell her to go and “clean the house”. The victim reported she came forward once she realized through attending church that the behavior she had endured “was not how God worked.”
According to the complaint filed by Waterville Police, there are several other victims and/or witnesses. The complaint states that the victim along with other girls, were often beat with a belt, and their access to food was severely limited. It was also stated in the report that Michael Stevens took pictures of the sexual abuse taking place. All victims/witnesses are said to currently be in custody of the state, this includes 7 daughters of the Stevens’.
Jennifer Steven’s acting attorney of the day, Elizabeth Gray, proposed a $500 bail. Claiming all victims/witnesses were in protective custody, therefore she would not be a threat to the victim and/or witnesses.
Michael Stevens acting attorney of the day, William Baghdoyan, also proposed a bail of $500 claiming Michael could lose his rental home and brand new truck if he remained in jail, as he was currently receiving unemployment and seeking a job, and claiming the charges were “nearly 8 years old.”
Prosecutor and Assistant District Attorney Coleman pushed back stating “Frankly we are afraid there will be contact and further crimes against the victim.” Coleman with the support of District Attorney, Maeghan Maloney, pushed for Judge Walker to set bail at $250,000 each. Judge Eric Walker complied with Coleman and Maloney’s request due to the severe nature of the allegation contained in the complaint.
Judge Walker stated that this is one of the worst cases he has seen in years, and expects further charges to be filed against the Stevens. The Stevens are to be assigned attorneys and are set to be in court again April 5th.
While it sounds hopeful that the Maine Judicial system will sentence the Stevens to the full extent of the law, we want to encourage justice to be done. These sort of criminals hide in our everyday life. We encounter them in our churches, grocery stores, schools, any place where they can access and manipulate children. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for being aware in our communities. We must begin reporting, and holding the public, and judicial systems accountable. Abusers will stop abusing when we let them know this world is not safe for them.
Please take time to contact District Attorney Maeghan Maloney and encourage her to END SEX ABUSE in the state of Maine, and to see JUSTICE served. E-mail: kennebecda@gmail.com
By: Hannah Redden