Joseph Hayden 18 molested upwards of 50 children

Joseph Hayden Boston, 18, confessed to molesting upwards of 50 children during the past eight years in different cities where he had lived, including Riverside, Lakewood and Buena Park. admitted to recently sexually assaulting an 8-year-old male and a 4-year-old male

Pedophilia is a mental disorder and challenging to change. Treatment aims to enable someone to resist acting on his sexual urges. No intervention is likely to work on its own. There are at least 39 million victims of childhood sexual abuse and only 750,000 registered sex offenders in the United States. The truth is that only 1 out of 10 child molesters are Registered Sex Offenders.  The other 90% haven’t been caught… yet.


Most pedophiles who act on their impulses do so by manipulating children and gradually desensitizing them to inappropriate behavior. Then they escalate it. Pedophiles are able to do this because in most cases they already know the children or have access to them. In about 60% to 70% of child sexual abuse cases involving pedophiles, the perpetrator is a relative, neighbor, family friend, teacher, coach, clergyman, or someone else in regular contact with the child. One long-term study of previously convicted pedophiles (with an average follow-up of 25 years) found that one-fourth of heterosexual pedophiles and one-half of homosexual or bisexual pedophiles went on to commit another sexual offense against children. These numbers are not a great representation because the newest studies are over 8 years old and limited in scope and representation. Due to the fact that the vast majority of these cases are not reported and or prosecuted and many people do not self report these behaviors.  Blanchard R. "The DSM Diagnostic Criteria for Pedophilia," Archives of Sexual Behavior (April 2010): Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 304–16. Hall RC. "A Profile of Pedophilia: Definition, Characteristics of Offenders, Recidivism, Treatment Outcomes, and Forensic Issues," Mayo Clinic Proceedings (April 2007): Vol. 82, No. 4, pp. 457–71. Seto MC. "Pedophilia," Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (2009): Vol. 5, pp. 391–407.

End Sex Abuse is working with State Legislation to introduce additional legislation to limit where convicted sex crime offenders may live and work. Meanwhile, we are working with schools- and community-based educational programs to offer advice about how to identify situations that may endanger children, how to recognize behaviors such as inappropriate touching that may desensitize children so that they are more easily victimized, and how children can protect themselves.


Amber DeCarli