COMPASSION: the reason we fight to end sex abuse.

You may remember the conversation in Back To The Future 2 when Marty and Doc find their once happy, normal present completely reversed because of what Doc called an unraveling of the very fabric of the space time continuum:
Marty McFly said, "I don't get it, Doc. I mean, how can all this be happening? It's like we're in hell or something."
Doc replied, "No, it's Hill Valley. Although I can't imagine hell being much worse!"

That is the reality of sex abuse. 

Sex abuse changes a normal present to an alternate hell often in a matter of minutes, and the future from that point on feels like an eerie detour from life.  Life becomes an ugly new reality that has to be dealt with for years to come.
Those that have not suffered that trauma thankfully will never know what that detour from normalcy feels like.
Imagine, for a moment, that a child you love, a sister, brother, niece, nephew, or one of your own children was taken from you. This kidnapper had his way with them for a night and let them go. Think of the vile things that were done.
No one still reading this wants that visual in their head, but many children live with that trauma for a lifetime, so for those never abused - try to stay with this for a second, and try to understand that there are millions of predators walking free in the United States of America that think about their ability to perpetrate this horror on you, your children, family, or friends.
So, please, think about the victims of Sex Abuse for a moment of your time and help us help the victims of sex abuse and help us stop the evil perpetrators of sex abuse. 
Help us to free the victims through support groups, healthy relationships, and trauma therapy. Also, help us to provide legal support to these victims so offenders are locked up behind bars for an appropriate amount of time.
Violent sex abusers who are adults should go to prison for life, and maximum sentences should be brought against all adults who sexually abuse. Plea bargains should be minimal and jury trials the norm. 
Evil abusers are too often enabled by caretakers, district attorneys, judges, and elected lawmakers who empathize too much with the offender, and do not understand what trauma the victim has been through.
Everyone should be a mandated reporter of the crime of sex abuse on children, the most vulnerable and helpless members of society. There should be NO statute of limitations for sex crimes (civil or criminal). Organizations that allow prior child sex offenders to affiliate where children assemble should be liable for damages to innocent victims and punished by law.
We should all protest when the sex abused in our society do not receive justice.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox, the Poet, once wrote:

"To sin by silence, when we should protest, makes cowards out of men."

Together we can End Sex Abuse by:

 1. Providing evidence based, sex abuse trauma therapy for the innocent victims for as long as they need it.

 2. Fighting for the maximum sentences and strongest laws to keep sex abusers in prison away from society.

Please empathize and help us fight to the end of sex abuse.

Thank you,

End Sex Abuse