Multiple Offence Abuser to be Sentenced

Lock him away for life.

Justin Walling, age 27, is from Lowell, Michigan. He was recently convicted by a federal jury due to two accounts of child offences. Walling has previously served six months in prison for sexual assault against a minor. 

The investigation has been going on since July 2015, when a concerned mother contacted the police, telling them that a "Justin Blade" had been contacting her daughter on Facebook. After tracking the IP address to Walling's mother's home, he was arrested. 

He admitted to using the alias "Blade" and that he had had sex with two girls under 16. He couldn't remember their names, but did lead the police to one home in a neighboring city where they met one of the young girls he had assaulted. "Her computer showed over 3,000 messages between her and 'Justin Blade'," says John Agar with Michigan Live. 

Walling started Facebook conversations with these young girls about video games. Gradually the conversations became more personal, intimate, and even turned to sex. "The girl told police they had sex twice at his home during summer 2015. She and Walling also exchanged nude photos." 

Now the scary part: Walling was already a registered sex offender. Had he been sentenced with a life-long prison sentence, he wouldn't have been able to hurt anyone else. Ever again. 

What can you do? Justin Walling will be sentenced by U.S. District Judge Paul Maloney on August 21. Write him a letter. Encourage Maloney to enforce maximum punishment on Walling. We can't allow these offenders to come back in our lives. 

Sample letter coming soon. 


Judge Paul L. Maloney

137 Federal Bldg
410 W. Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo, MI 49007

Noah Jewkes